Dark Chocolate Almond Cake 300 x 204

Admit it! When you read the title, your first thought was probably, “Well, obviously not!” Being rich, decadent and moist, chocolate cake is the perfect dessert cake loved worldwide. Nevertheless, this indulgent treat is often regarded as a “high-calorie” sweet that leads to various health issues like obesity. But what if we told you that chocolate cake might actually have some surprising health benefits? Too good to be true, isn’t it? But we’ve got proof! Keep reading.

Nutritional Profile of Chocolate Cake

Vegan White Chocolate Ganache

Chocolate cake is one of those versatile cakes that has no limit for customisations. Today, we are talking about a standard chocolate cake typically made of flour, eggs, sugar, cocoa powder, butter and chocolate. Let’s break down these components to know what nutritional benefits they add to your cake.

        Flour: Offers carbohydrates and some protein.

        Sugar: Adds sweetness to your cake. This also increases the calorie count.

      Cocoa Powder: Rich in antioxidants and provides a deep chocolate flavour to your cake.

        Eggs: Source of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

        Butter: Adds fat, contributing to the cake’s texture and flavour.

        Chocolate: Contains cocoa solids and cocoa butter, providing antioxidants and fats.

When balanced in the appropriate proportion, a chocolate cake slice (which can be about 100g) provides a rich nutritional profile. Each slice contains approximately 424 calories, with 22 grams of fat, 5 grams of protein and 53 grams of carbs. Additionally, it has small amounts of calcium, iron, and potassium.

Remember, different types of chocolate cakes are made with dark chocolate, milk chocolate or even vegan ingredients to cater to different taste palettes, varying in nutritional content. Dark chocolates like our dark chocolate almond cake have higher levels of antioxidants while vegan options like our range of vegan chocolate cakes may have lower calorie counts as they don’t include eggs and butter.  

What are the Health Benefits of Eating a Chocolate Cake?

Below are the benefits your body enjoys by consuming the nutrition and calories mentioned above.

Acts as an energy booster

Feijoa white chocolate cake

Chocolate cakes contain carbs and sugar that help in giving you instant energy.  A cake slice can help you as a quick energy booster to power up your busy mornings. Dark chocolate cakes improve the oxygen availability to the brain during fitness training and sports, helping them perform in athletics better. Meanwhile, premium cakes like feijoa white chocolate cake contain cocoa butter in white chocolate. This also improves your physical endurance by delaying fatigue while exercising.

Makes your heart stronger

It is said that dark chocolate cakes help reduce LDL cholesterol levels and raise good HDL cholesterol with the presence of flavanols. This reduces blood clotting and increases blood circulation, resulting in a healthier heart. A study shows that people who had a portion of chocolate cake once or twice a week had a 1/3 lower risk of heart failure compared to those who had it monthly. Moreover, the minerals, zinc, and potassium found in chocolate cakes support cardiovascular health.

Enhances cognitive function

Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine that increases blood flow in the body. It helps in providing enough nutrients to the brain that assists in visual-spatial awareness. This increases memory power, helping you to stay focused. In fact, it is recommended to have a chocolate cake piece as part of your breakfast! Isn’t that amazing?  

Another lab experiment showcases that the cocoa found in your chocolate cake has a component called lavado that aids in reducing or preventing damage to nerve pathways found in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. 

Reduces Stress

Dark chocolate pieces

Stress, anxiety and depression have become common in today’s generation and you will be surprised to know that chocolate cake can be one of the best supplements for stress release. This sweet dessert has polyphenols (an antioxidant), the same chemical our brain produces when we fall in love.  This encourages our brain to release endorphins that make us feel happy and calm. They also help in regulating the hormones related to menstruation cramps and menopause, alleviating the mental stress women feel during their time of the month.

Aids weight loss

Yes, you read it right! Chocolate cakes can bolster weight loss by managing your cravings and gaining the required body mass. According to the research conducted by Professor Jkubowicz, when you consume a rich dessert like chocolate cake as a part of a balanced diet, you burn more calories, leading to overall weight loss. 

Helps develop immunity

Dark chocolate cakes have phenolic components that strengthen our body’s defence system and fight against the free radicals created by diseases. This increases the T-cell and cellular immune responses so that we can fight against various diseases, making our bodies stronger and healthier.

Assists fetal growth and development

A piece of chocolate cake on a plate with a fork

Now, this is good news for all the expectant mums. According to recent research, eating 30g of chocolate daily ( around 1-2 servings of chocolate cake )can benefit your fetal growth, thanks to the flavonoids present. It is stated that it could help in the improvement of placental function and the reduction of preeclampsia during pregnancy.

Beautifies your skin

Chocolate cakes contain one of the well-renowned skincare ingredients, cocoa butter. Their anti-inflammatory properties can help you treat acne and skin redness. The flavonoids can protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals. These antioxidants can improve skin texture, increase hydration, and enhance blood flow to the skin, giving you a healthy glow​.

While chocolate cake is a popular party dessert, it often gets an unfair reputation as unhealthy.

This isn’t entirely true!  When consumed in moderation, the antioxidants in cocoa offer immense benefits ranging from healthier hearts to slim waists and from improved mood to increased cognitive function. However, it’s essential to be mindful of your cake’s portion size to enjoy all the perks. So, what are you waiting for? At Memo Cakery, we make all our chocolate cakes with the finest ingredients, ensuring every bite is rich in flavour and beneficial to your well-being. Contact us to place your orders today! 

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